Machine embroidery stabilizers are essential materials used to support the fabric during the embroidery process. They help prevent fabric distortion, puckering, and stretching, resulting in cleaner and more precise embroidery designs. There are various types of stabilizers available, each with its own unique characteristics and best-suited fabrics.
But with this huge variety, how do I store them in a sensible way so they are easy to use, yet does not clutter my sewing space?
Over time, storing stabilizer has consistently posed a major challenge for me, leading to frustration. The rolls, especially the larger ones that I purchase since I do a lot of stitching, can be quite big and bulky. On the other hand, the smaller rolls take up a significant amount of space in my cupboard. This prompted me to search for solutions online, and in this post, I will discuss a few ideas and provide some accompanying photos to aid comprehension.
Among the various solutions I came across, my personal favorite was when my husband ingeniously repurposed an old table into a cutting table for me. We sanded the table surface and applied a smooth and durable acrylic paint coating. I then placed my cutting mats on top of the table, securing them with industrial-grade double-sided tape. To enhance its functionality, my husband added lockable wheels to the table and installed horizontal bars underneath, between the table feet - two in the front and two at the back. This setup allowed me to effortlessly slide my stabilizer rolls onto these rails. Whenever I needed stabilizer, I simply pulled the end over the table, cut the desired length, and rolled up the remaining portion. This approach proved to be quick, easy, and served a dual purpose as both a cutting table and a storage solution. I have been using this setup for years now, and while the table may need a fresh coat of paint, I must admit it has been the most effective solution for me personally.
However, let's explore other storage options available out there.
Stabilizer Roll Holder: Some of the sewing/embroidery shops sells roll holders, so you can invest in a stabilizer roll holder or rack designed specifically to hold rolls of stabilizer. These holders typically have slots or dowels to accommodate the rolls and keep them organized and easily accessible.
Stabilizer Storage Bins: Use plastic bins or containers with lids to store stabilizer rolls. Label the bins according to the type or weight of stabilizer, making it easy to find the desired stabilizer when needed. Stack the bins to save space if you have enough floor space, or under a table.
Hanging Organizer: Consider using a hanging shoe organizer or a similar hanging storage system with pockets. Trim the stabilizer rolls to fit the pockets and place them vertically for easy visibility and access.
Under counter kitchen towel hangers, I think could be very handy, we often have a shelve that is higher than what we need it for, why not utilize that extra space with one of these metal slide in holders for your stabilizer.
Some of these can screw to the bottom of a shelve as well
If you have someone that can do a bit of wood work or a handy husband, or perhaps you are quite good with the tools yourself. You can also make something like this to keep lots of rolls, provided you have wall space
I found these Vinyl roll holders at Amazon, which I also think can be such a great storage solution as it can hang behind the door, yet within reach. If you are interested in something like this, the link to purchase IS HERE
Another idea is towel holders, you get a wide variety of this type that just might suit your needs and solve your stabilizer problem
A final Tip : As stabilizers tend to change and new products come out, it might be a good idea to cut small samples of each stabilizer and punch holes in them. Place the samples in plastic sheet protectors and store them in a binder. This method is particularly useful for tear-away or wash-away stabilizers, as you can quickly compare their thickness and choose the appropriate one.
In the next installment, we will look at various types of stabilizers and their uses, you don't want to miss this, remember your design is just as good as the stabilizer you use, as your foundation is of utmost importance. You might sit with a award winning design and it stitches out horribly with the incorrect stabilizer for the fabric type you use, so in the next blog post we will share some tips and tricks on what to choose when.
Susan Stewart
What is the best stabilizer for metallic threads???
Helen Jackson
I have my smaller rolls stored in a cabinet under my embroidery machine and the longer rolls are stored in a bin that sits next to my machine. I like your under the counter idea!
Thank you very much for this information. I have never thought about any of these solutions for stabilisers, and I have been using them for many years,
Antionette Taljaard
I have a large tub with all my stabilizers in and it works well for me. I like the rolls under the table, but the problem is the temperature’s and very dry heat in our area dries out everyting.
Rebecca Beatty
Thank you! Gave me lots of ideas